Alex’s Story

About Alex

Alex is a cheeky, happy and bright little boy. He loves Pokemon, Football and playing with his friends and sister. In 2017, Alex was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumour at 3.5 years old. Alex had minimal symptoms when he was diagnosed, so we had no idea what was coming. Over the next year, Alex underwent 5 operations and numerous rounds of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

I didn’t want to go into a hospice when Alex was diagnosed.

The word hospice has so many final moment connotations that I just couldn’t face it. My husband decided to go in and see how they could help. We didn’t realise the amazing breath of support a children’s hospice offers and I would definitely recommend contacting them if you need it. 

Help through the darkest of times.

Francesca was a part of the fantastic Rennie Grove Hospice Care team, which is supported by the wonderful Pepper Foundation, and helped us through the darkest of times.

When Alex was sick he had so many lines, medications and things to watch out for that it felt impossible to leave him with anyone else. 24 hour care takes such a toll on all the family.

Our hospice were able to offer an amazing team to come help look after Alex in our home, so we could have a couple of hours respite. 

Francesca and the team helped us so much by providing respite and care when we needed it most. Alex loved the time he spent with Francesca, always looking forward to her visits and that meant so much, given what a scary time he was going through. 

From the moment she came into our lives, it was like a weight was lifted off our shoulders.

Alex absolutely loved Francesca right from the first visit and we felt so reassured that she had the knowledge to be able to help Alex while we had a break, as well as just make Alex smile and laugh. We are forever grateful for Francesca, she’ll always have a place in our family's heart. 

If there was any advice I could give to people that know or want to help families in a similar situation to ours it would be:

Don’t wait to be told how you can help, if you feel you want to cook then do that, whatever you can.

Be there to listen and offer a hug. 

Don’t stay away because you think they want to be left to it. Keep offering to be there for a walk, talk or anything

Alex presented Francesca with this picture of a rainbow with them both standing underneath when he was discharged from Rennie Grove services - it is hanging proudly in her kitchen to this day.


Anaaya’s Story


Max’s Story